Everybody Hates Chris Wiki

Joey Caruso (or better known as Caruso), is a recurring character in Everybody Hates Chris. Caruso is the school bully whose main target is Chris, but sometimes it is Greg.


Caruso was racist to Chris, constantly calling him black names and (during season 3-4) punching him for no good reason. Surprisingly, he always never seems to get caught by the school staff or get suspended for his bullying on Chris and Greg. Although Caruso had a soft spot for pets and is a cat lover. According to Narrator Chris Rock, Caruso can handle one black kid but he couldn't take down two. He sometimes is on friendly with Chris such as in Everybody Hates Caruso or Everybody Hates the Buddy System. He blames Chris for pretty much everything. He once beat up Greg and called him shoeshine because he didn't know where Chris is. This happened again in Everybody Hates the Last Day, when he beat up a random kid because he didn't know where Chris is (and in turn the boy smacked Chris upside the head telling him to be on time). In Everybody Hates Tattaglia, despite there being multiple black kids around, he once said sorry to Chris because Dickerson made him. In "Everybody Hates the G.E.D.", he admits to Chris that he actually does admire him but bullied him because he felt inferior and jealous of Chris' determination and achievement. With Chris dropping out of school, Caruso decides to make Greg the new target of his bullying.


  • He likes cats. (Everybody Hates the Last Day).
  • He was the first one to hate Chris, second was Kelly (Big Bird) and third was Albert.
  • However, that may be why the show is called "Everybody Hates Chris".